Sunday, September 26, 2021

The Law Of Attraction Doesn’t Understand ‘Don’t, Not or No’


The Law Of Attraction Doesn’t Understand ‘Don’t, Not or No’

Have you ever wondered why sometimes we get something that we really didn’t want in our lives? People often tell me, “I didn’t ask for THAT!”

In fact, some people think that the Law of Attraction ‘isn’t working for me’ when they attract something they didn’t want into their life–but it is. You see, the Law of Attraction doesn’t hear the words ‘don’t, not or no’ (as in,

‘I don’t want that.’ ‘That’s not what I want.’ ‘No more of this!’) it only responds to your feelings (your vibes) about that subject. If thinking about a certain situation causes you to feel upset, the Law of Attraction sends you MORE upsetting situations.

Here’s a story sent to me by a reader, that demonstrates what I mean:

I went to a charity event last night (for which I paid $50) and then I donated another $20 for raffle tickets for various prizes. The idea was to put your ticket into the bowl that represented the prize you wanted. Well, none of the prizes were exciting to me. I put my ticket into the bowl that seemed the best of the three. And as I did so, I said to myself, ‘I’ really hope I don’t win this silly haircut.’ Then I realized there were more than three prizes and I felt disappointed that I had put my ticket into that bowl, but it was too late to take it back. So, as they were calling the prize winners I again said ‘I’ don’t want that haircut.’ When they read out my number I was so disbelieving that I had to ask them to repeat the number because I could not believe that I had won it – especially because I had said so clearly, ‘I don’t want it!’ – well you know the ending of this story. I focused on it, said “don’t” and focused on it again. DUH!! Now the fact is, it is a nice prize and I will use it – what was I thinking?
Sometimes I use the illustration of the Internet Search Engines–if you go to and type in the words ‘no porn’–what will you get? That’s right–PORN. The Search Engines don’t understand Don’t give me–they just understand porn.

So, if I don’t want something, how do I avoid attracting it into my life?

By answering this simple question: ‘If I don’t want this . . . what do I want?’

Sometimes it takes a while to formulate a positive answer to that question, but taking the time to do so is the ONLY way to stop attracting what you don’t want.

If I don’t want clients who are late for our sessions, what do I want? I want clients who are on time or early.

If I don’t want to chase after clients to be paid for my services, what do I want? I want clients who joyfully pay by credit card or E-check for my services–on time or early.

If I fail to get clear about what I DO want, according to the Law of Attraction, I will attract that which I don’t want into my life again and again–for until I place my focus on something else, what I don’t want IS (by default) my focus.

Can you think of something that has been occurring in your life, over and over again? If so, take a few minutes–just 5 or 10 minutes and do this exercise:

1. Write down on paper what this reoccurring event is. State what happens and how it makes you feel.

2. Then ask the question: If I don’t want that to happen again, what DO I want to happen? or If I don’t want to feel like that again, what DO I want to feel like?

Get a picture in your mind, an idea or a feeling for how you would like it to be. Find the words that most accurately express what you want and write them down on paper. Doing this will engage all your senses to such a degree that you will automatically begin to attract events and situations that are more enjoyable.

Use the Law of Attraction to Manifest Outstanding Results

If you have gone about your life feeling frustrated, angry and stuck you can transform this lower feelings and move into an outrageous state of joy and hopefulness and begin to attract greater circumstances.

The law of attraction states that like attracts like. That simply means if you are feeling stuck and hopeless you will continue to attract more circumstances that bring about hopelessness.

One of the fastest ways to get the law of attraction to work for you is to take a period of time and do nothing more than find the things which bring you outrageous joy. Forget about wanting a new car or more money. Focus most on being joyful.

1) Make a list of all the things which make you completely happy. Then go out and do it. See if you can fill an entire week of your free time with activities that are fun and emotionally rewarding to you.

2) Get a journal Every night before bed write out your feels about the way you spent your day. Make a point to express how you felt. Your feelings are extremely important because they inform the law of attraction as to your present vibration.

3) Each day search out activities that you may have wished to try but never got around to doing them. The more new and fun activities that you engage in the more expanded you will feel. You will naturally move into a higher more expanded state. New activities open up your inner being much more than activities that you have become too familiar with. When you are in a new environment you easily move into a more aware and open state.

By the end of the week you will be a change in your own personal energy. Now you can begin to think more about what you would like to manifest in your life. Be clear about your desire and allow the law of attraction to go to work to do wonders in brining about your desires.

To best apply the law of attraction you should be in a state of joy and openness. As you go through your daily activities you may not be aware of it but you do shut down. Everything becomes routine and you easily hold on to old thought patterns.

As you change your routine and open up you begin to see some amazing changes and your ability to master the law of attraction techniques will be greatly enhanced.

What is the Universal Law of Attraction?


The Universal Law of Attraction states:

We attract whatever we choose to give our attention to–whether wanted or unwanted.

Most of the time, we attract by ‘default’ rather than by deliberate choice. We just sort of go through our day, focusing on problems that need to be solved or on things that did not feel good nor seem right. In so doing, we are actually creating more problems, more of what does not feel good and more of what does not seem right.

Think of yourself as a huge magnet. The kind that pulls metal to itself from afar off. It doesn’t “try” to attract, it simply does attract. It is the same way for us. Whether or not we are trying to attract, we ARE doing so all the time. (Except when we are asleep.) And we attract the likeness of what we think about. If we are thinking about a lack of something, we are attracting more lack (scarcity). If we are thinking about something we love, we are attracting more of what we love and enjoy. I know it sounds incredibly simple, and it is.

We humans are actually very powerful attractors and we can use this wonderful, god-given power to attract more of what we want in life-simply by paying attention to where we place our thoughts and desires.

An old proverb just came to my mind: “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7 It’s interesting that the writer of this proverb says “thinks in his heart” because most of the time, we think that we think with our mind. However, it is truly from the heart where we do our thinking, our believing, our ‘ vibrating.’

It is from the heart that we attract. Picture your heart as a powerful magnet. The heart is the ‘ vibrator’ of all signals that attract.

Think of a radio. It has many different stations. To tune into a station you dial a specific frequency. As soon as we turn our attention to something (dialed it’s frequency) it begins its journey to us.

To be rid of something you do not want in your life, simply tune in to a different vibration (frequency or radio station)–to something that you do want.

I see the art of Deliberate Attraction as consisting of three parts:

1. Getting very clear about what it is I am wanting
2. Raising my vibration until it matches what I want
3. Allowing what I want to come to me

We have the opportunity to gain clarity in knowing precisely what we want, through the many ‘contrasts’ that life offers us. The key to successfully using contrast is to observe it briefly and use it to help you decided what you do want. This takes a little practice, since our habit is to talk about, tell others about and focus on what we did not like.

It is usually part three that trips me up. I have held onto some self-limiting beliefs for a very long time-so long that I no longer recognize them, yet they are still vibrating below the surface, canceling out what I am wanting.

My work is to let go of all resistance and believe that what I am wanting will come to me–simply because I want it.

You Only Need 51% Belief To Begin Attracting


I’ve seen too many people ‘beat themselves up’ as they learn about the Law of Attraction and begin to apply it in their lives. Why are they so hard on themselves? Because when their desire doesn’t materialize in a few days, they think they aren’t doing it right or they don’t believe enough. They are under the impression that in order to receive, they must have 100% belief–no doubt at all. And so they try to convince themselves, and the Universe, that they DO have 100% belief–when, in their heart, they don’t.

Here’s good news! You don’t need 100% belief, just 51% to start the process of receiving all your goals, desires and hopes whatever you want in life will start to become your reality. Just believe that it’s possible for you to have what you’ve asked for. All you need to do is tip the scales slightly and you will begin to notice small (or big) evidence that your desire is on its way.

As you stay in the mind-set of possibility, possibility grows into probability. Probability grows into belief and belief grows into certainty. Certainty is the opposite of doubt.

Here’s a true story I received this week from Tony, a coaching client:

“Since learning about the Law of Attraction, I have discovered that there are times when I cannot BE the way I’d like to be. This week, I found myself in an impossible situation and I remembered what you said: ‘Instead of starting from a place of certainty, 100% guarantee, start with it’s possible.’
We visited friends in another state this weekend. On our return flight, airport security was so tight, we actually missed our flight by four minutes (we arrived at our gate–literally the farthest gate in the airport– with six minutes to spare, but they close the aircraft ten minutes before departure and do not open it for anyone). We were put on the standby list for the next flight, which was full. Every flight after that next one was full, and it was important that we get back to go to work Monday–we both have full schedules, and staying another night was less than ideal.

I couldn’t bring myself to believe that we were going to get on that next flight as ‘Standby.’ My wife was still freaking out that we missed our previous flight, we had run out of baby food, and my son was getting cranky for a nap.

I could not bring myself to believe we were getting on that flight, but I kept thinking ‘it’s possible.’ The next thing I know, one of the flight attendants took a fancy to my son, and started chatting with my wife, and before you know it, we have–literally–the last two seats on the aircraft, and she arranged it so they were together, and we had a window. (Our son sat on our lap.)

It’s still hard to believe I ‘vibrated’ us onto that aircraft, but I did keep it open as a possibility. So you were right, I only had to believe by 51%. Thank you, Rebecca!”
Tony G., New York

Think about all the times you HAVE received something when you still had doubts about it. What is your desire today? Has anyone else every received what you desire? If so, then is it possible that you can have it too?

If you can believe…You will receive.

Your Thoughts and The Law of Attraction


We have all heard the expression, “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” But to carry on without thinking about why you failed only leads to more failure.

The ability to create is a God given gift. A gift given to everyone without exception. Thought is the first step to manifesting any creation. Thoughts are energy, they are real. Your thoughts act as magnets and attract other thoughts, people, and circumstances that harmonize with them.

Thoughts operate and adhere to certain universal laws. Without these laws there would be no order; the universe itself would sink into chaos.

The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. Much of what was once considered metaphysical, esoteric knowledge in the past is now scientific fact. Physics has shown that the principles involved in the Law of Attraction are every bit as valid as those governing the Law of Gravity. So it should come as no surprise that dwelling only on your problems simply attracts more problems.

The idea of attracting success by thinking about it is very appealing. So appealing in fact, people often get the wrong impression that it’s easy. Affirmations can be helpful, but mindless affirmations alone have no real value. On the other hand, once an affirmation becomes part of your belief system the subconscious goes to work attracting opportunities. It is not the success itself we attract, but the opportunity to succeed.

Our world is ruled by cause and effect, yet we often fail to see how this rule applies to the thoughts we think. This happens because the results of our thoughts are so far removed from the cause that we fail to see the connection.

The subconscious mind is working tirelessly 24 hours a day. It doesn’t analyze, it doesn’t judge, it simply accepts and attracts more of what the conscious mind is focused on. Are you attracting problems or solutions? By focusing on desire and showing gratitude for what you already have, the subconscious mind is given the necessary material to provide a constant stream of opportunities. Whether we take advantage of these opportunities or not is another story.

It’s impossible to operate outside the law of attraction. Consciously or unconsciously your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, determine if this law works for or against you. Stay focused on your success and reaching your goals. As one success leads to another, success becomes a habit. Problems and obstacles are seen as no more than stepping stones on the road to your ultimate goal.

7 Spells To Unstoppable Magnetic Attraction

Beauty holds a golden mirror to the shimmering inner essence. It reflects true self-perception as well as the extent of one’s discipline.

Attractiveness indicates a sensitivity to those around us. Just as we shine our shoes, wash our cars or trim our lawns to provide eye-candy to passers-by, we keep our bodies in the pink of health to offer delightful icons worthy of emulation.

I believe that beauty is not trivial; it is core to civilized society. Imagine everyone abandoning restraint and shuffling around in tattered clothes, drooping bellies, dishevelled hair, blackened fingernails and breath so foul only a mother could love? No one would be happy- except the mouthwash manufacturers. Those who shun beauty as superficial are probably too lazy to reach for a bar of soap or the jump rope.

But, beautiful people are not necessarily supermodels with Greek-god faces and unreal proportions. That is a myth promulgated by sneaky salesmen of snakeoil creams and dangerous bust implants. Let them slather that muck on their faces 24/7. Then, Id believe them.

Beautiful people are Normal people who watch their diet, keep their bodies clean, and don tasteful, yet inexpensive clothing. They maintain an empowered lifestyle, indulge in mind-expanding books and engage in varied activity that enriches their awareness.

Beauty, more importantly, is internal. The attractive assert their opinions and fight for convictions. Whether handsome or pretty, bland or plain, the internally beautiful betray an intelligence and burning diligence that reflects their personality. Recall that personality is molded by how we carry ourselves and associate with the world at large.

Finally, beauty is holistic. Magnetic people take effort to be the best that they can be. They understand that they are fusions of body, soul and spirit. Hence, they build up each facet by honing their talents and passions. They may have ordinary faces but lead extraordinary lives. These exceptional people are the best humanity can offer; they easily outshine the empty-headed Greek Models of the catwalk.

Augmenting beauty simply means caring of the body and the mind. It doesnt take much effort, just a tad of self regulation. Heres how to ooze magnetic attraction:

1. Books and periodicals are your best friend. Beef up whats in your head and rack up more beauty points with your enlightened discussions. Intelligence is attractive.

2. Watch stand-up comedy. You will develop your sense of humour. Wit is a rare and valued commodity.

3. Is that a burger youre shovelling down your throat? Stop. You are literally what you eat. Want to be a lard bucket? Then chomp that burger.

4. Soap, shampoo and mouthwash are better than all the pheromone sprays, libido enhancers and failed nose lifts. Good hygiene is the honey that attracts the delightful bees.

5. Dress to impress- 24/7. You probably had one of those moments. There you were, in sloppy coveralls at the mall. Then you run into the boss or a beautiful stranger. Say this with me: NEVER AGAIN. One more time. NEVER AGAIN.

6. Ask and Listen. The most dazzling conversationalists avoid monopolizing conversations. Rather, they ask tons of questions. And listen for hours on end. Stop and think about that. Isnt your best friend a great listener?

7. Finally, think sexy. Feel sexy. You are what you think you are. Your body follows what the mind dictates. The £3000 executive coaches like to pass this astounding piece of common sense for a hefty fee. Save the money.

So, get out there and glow. You can be attractive without those creams, lotions and surgeons.

Be bold. Choose beauty.

Law Of Attraction 5 Reason Why Money Is So Hard To Attract

Recently someone ask the question, “why is money so very hard to attract?” Lots of people who discover the laws of attraction want to know the answer to that very question. Many more people will continue to have a very hard time at trusting the law of attraction for the very reason that they are not able to manifest money as they would like.

1. You Want it tooo Much

Yes, that’s right! The mere fact that you want money makes you repel that money. The more you want something the more you activate the law of attraction to further push it away from you. When you want something desperately you are at a place of lack, emptiness and with out. There are many ancient techniques that can move you out of that feeling of emptiness to where you begin to energetically empower yourself to draw a phenomenal amount of magnetic power to you. These techniques although simple are extremely effective in making you a powerful magnet.

2. You Have Not Learned How to be Abundant

Learning how to be abundant is necessary to activating the law of attraction in your favor. Before you can be abundant you have to be able to see abundance all around you. You have to change your perspective on life and your present reality. If you are thinking and feeling that the universe is scarce then it is more than likely that what you seen of the universe and scarcely will be reflected in how you manifest money to you.

3. You Have Placed Money Above You

Few people will admit to doing so but most everyone has made money a huge priority in their life. It isn’t that money is not a priority but there is something which is way beyond money. The moment you become aware that your own divine self is far more powerful than money you will continue to struggle in attracting more of it. Those who are aware of their divine nature have an easier time of applying the laws of attraction to bring them more money or anything a lot faster.

4. You Don’t Really Want Money

If a survey were to be taken more people than not would say the same sing, “I don’t really want a lot of money, I just want to have enough.” It amazes me that so many people who work diligently at trying to understand the law of attraction will easily say that they don’t really want a lot of money. Is it any wonder that few people will ever really attract a large amount of money. The laws of attraction are quite on target with that inner feeling of conflict and will manifest exactly that resistance you have towards money

5. You Can’t Take Money as a Joke

One thing which is quite common to those who have manifested large fortunes in their life is that they moved beneath the pressure of making money. To move beyond money you need to see and feel money as a game. Making money should become a wonderful feeling of joy rather than a struggle of pain and suffering. If you learn to have fun with making money the law of attraction will reward you by bringing you much more.

Mind Power over Money

In order to fully master the law of attraction one must become aware of how the mind works in relation to our physical reality. The mind is the power station for all our experiences.

The mind can be compared to the hard drive of a computer. It stores all the impressions that you experience throughout your life time. Whatever you may have witness while growing up with your parents, the stories that others have shared with you, all these are impressions that are held in the mind. Whether those impressions are good or seemingly bad they remain in the mind of the individual and influences that person’s experience of life.

How you experience money is directly influenced by the information you have been fed about money and became stored in your mind. One of the hardest applications of the law of attraction is in trying to attract more money. Most people can attest to having a very hard time in attracting the amount they desire. However, if you understand how the mind works you can then learn to over ride whatever impressions that are blocking you from attracting what you desire.

Self Inquiry

To truly gain results with the law of attraction you must learn to examine yourself. See yourself and your thoughts as a massive amusement park, be excited to explore yourself. The more you investigate the reason behind your feelings and the actions that you take the more self control you will begin to develop. Before you can take the steps to change any part of yourself you need to first be aware of your actions and the reason behind your actions. No one else can do that for you!

Get a journal and begin questioning yourself:

What are your thoughts about money?

What feelings come into your body when you think of my present financial situations?

How do you feel about your financial future?

What was your first impression you had of money?

How to Apply Mental Training

One of the biggest failures in applying the law of attraction is the inability to train the mind on a consistent basis. An untrained mind has very little magnetic power to attract. Even just a few minutes a day will build up magnetic mental power that takes much less effort to attract than a mind that has not been trained.

See mental training like the training of your physical body. The more you train your body the better it performs and the more power it has.

Inner and Outer Training

In order to attract more money, more freedom it’s necessary to train the mind to also see it in your present environment. It’s very easy for most people to make a study of poverty and to complain about their own financial woes but very rarely do people draw the impression of wealth into their mind. If you just sit for a few moments and observe the lifestyles of those who are successful at attracting wealth you will slowly find your old impressions beginning to change. The mind will receive those impressions and slowly begin to replace the old worn out impression you have of money that do not work.

5 Steps to Use the Law of Attraction to Manifest


The main concept of ​​the Law of Attraction is being a co-creator so we can manifest the desires that are right in our heart. As we use the law of attraction properly, we will experience the manifestation of our desires at a much faster pace than we would ever have if we hadn't made the effort to use it properly.

We must be grateful

Gratitude can change our life drastically if we use it correctly, but the best part is that the law of attraction gives us more of that we are grateful and happy for. When we feel frustration or depression, the law of attraction can also make us feel more depression and frustration, that way you manifest more situations that make you feel unhappy. As a first rule of thumb to get faster results, start seeing all the things in your current life that you are grateful for, no matter how simple they are.

Speak about it

It may seem hypocritical initially once you learn of the law of attraction to talk of your desires as if they're already here. actually all things are already created. the instant an idea is conceived you've got brought it into your reality. The more you speak of that thought the stronger it becomes and therefore the faster it moves into your state of being. consider a toddler who becomes eager about the thing he or she wants. See how eager they're about it? they appear up pictures about it, they discuss what they're going to do once they catch on . They dont worry about how or when it'll come, they only know and in particular they're excited about it. Speak with joy about what is going to inherit your life because your words and thoughts about it feeds that creation and brings it to you quicker .

We must surround ourselves with things we want to attract

You maybe asking, how am i able to surround myself with the items that i would like if I dont have it? it's going to not be yours at the instant but you'll borrow, you'll visit, in particular you'll place yourself within the environment and among the people that are closely link to the items you desire. The successful application of the law of attraction depends on you already being therein energy of what you would like . it's up to you to make the state that you simply simply want to draw in and you are doing so by being among the items that you want until it's fully yours. The law of attraction will offer you quite easily what you bring into your focus, whether you're speaking of it or observing it. You get more of what you surround yourself with.


To activate the law of attraction you want to enter the state of receiving. this is often something most of the people cannot do. many of us say that they need certain things but few people skills to receive those things that they're posing for . most of the people feel doubtful or unworthy about what they need . Deep within they feel that they're doing not deserve nor will they get what they are posing for . Those tiny feeling of unworthiness are giant blocks within the manifesting process and may only serve in destroying what you're hoping to draw in . The law of attraction may be a science that takes you deep into your inner nature and allows you to ascertain where you're feeling disconnected as a co-creator with God and therefore the universe. Become worthy and permit yourself to receive.

We must give what we desire

You may not have all the money in the world for yourself but you do have something of value and that thing which is of value to you may be in scarce supply to someone else. Give to others and you will be stunned and amazed by how fast the law of attraction will manifest abundance in your life.

There is a natural flow in the universe and in order to manifest more you must also be in the flow of giving. Give to others as long as you do not give more of yourself. There are many flawed concepts of giving more than you have, this is very faulty. Give only what you can, never ever deplete yourself. Give what makes you feel happy to give. Give with love on a regular basis but also be aware of conserving your own and the law of attraction will bless you by bringing to you much more than you give. As you give you will get and you will manifest much more than you could ever have imagined and much faster too.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Powerful Visualization

Visualization is by far one of the most powerful tools for good setting and attracting what you want. Yet few people know how to properly visualize. With the right technique you can begin to see outstanding results in successfully attracting what you want, granted you full apply what you learn.

First you are visualizing all the time. You may not be aware of it but you are always conjuring up images in your mind. When you are speaking on the telephone to someone you are most of ten times trying to see in your mind what they are telling you. You also visualize when you are deep in thought. When you are worrying about paying your debt or worrying about the way you would really like to live your life you are also visualizing what you want.

The hard part however is to use that creative force to actually attract the things you want. This is where many people go terribly wrong.

Here is a great test to help you understand the most effective way visualize. Think of the last time you were deep in thought. Now try to remember what that felt like. If you can recall that time, you will notice that you were deep inside of yourself. You were unaware of anyone or anything and as you were allowing yourself to visualize you could feel clearly that you were having the experience as if it were real. That is the power of visualization.

When people ask all the time How do I visualize the things I want, I tell them the same way you visualize the things that you don’t want. You see when you are feeling anxious and fearful you lock yourself away in your inner mind with those images. You loose sight of other possibilities and if it is something that happened to you, then you recreate it in its full detail with all your emotions all over again.

Try to immerse yourself with full emotions when you are trying to create the things you want. Many thoughts may come to distract you but if you will redirect your mind to what you do want your mind will be trained to hold that thought.

There are many tools and techniques that can greatly empower your ability to visualize if you really have a hard time. You can add extreme magnetism to any mental image you want to create as long as you apply the right technique.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Ultimate Ways To Use The Law Of Attraction To Manifest

 The whole idea of the law of attraction is to be a co creator with God in manifesting the things that are deepest to your heart. When you use the law of attraction in the right way you can experience manifesting your desires at a much faster rate than you ever would have had you not made the effort to use it correctly.

You can use the law of attraction to manifest faster results by taking the following steps.

1. Be Grateful Now

Gratitude can dramatically change your life but best of all it gets the law of attraction to give you more of what you are feeling grateful and happy for. When you are feeling frustrated and down the law of attraction gives you more reasons to feel down. You manifest more situations that make you feel unhappy. So as the first rule to manifesting faster results begin to see all the things in your present life that you are grateful for no matter how simple it is.

2. Speak of It

It may seem hypocritical at first when you learn of the law of attraction to speak of your desires as if they are already here. In reality all things are already created. The moment a thought is conceived you have brought it into your reality. The more you speak of that thought the stronger it becomes and the faster it moves into your state of being. Think of a child who becomes eager about the thing he or she wants. See how eager they are about it? They look up pictures about it, they speak about what they will do when they get it. They don’t worry about how or when it will come, they just know and above all they are excited about it. Speak with joy about what will come into your life because your words and thoughts about it feeds that creation and brings it to you faster.

3. Surround Yourself With The Things You Desire

You maybe asking, how can I surround myself with the things that I want if I don’t have it? It may not be yours at the moment but you can borrow, you can visit, above all you can place yourself in the environment and among the people who are closely link to the things you desire. The successful application of the law of attraction depends on you already being in that energy of what you want. It is up to you to create the state that you want to attract and you do so by being among the things that you want until it is fully yours. The law of attraction will give you quite easily what you bring into your focus, whether you are speaking of it or observing it. You get more of what you surround yourself with.

4. Let Go!!!

Let go of what you want. Yes, let it go. Know that you desire to experience a particular thing but don’t hold on out of fear of doubt. The more you cling on to the needing or wanting feeling the more disastrous your manifesting will be. You will only succeed in feeling more needy. Allow yourself to feel full and confident. Those who understand how the universe and the laws of attraction work easily understand the power of their intention and don’t feel stress or needy. They create and know that the law of attraction is working for them and what they create will soon manifest. They create then let go and move into the state of receiving.

There is a great paradox that comes with letting go because a very large part of manifesting requires that you give a lot of focus to your desire but there is a delicate balancing act of focus without feeling needy or being clingy.

5. Learn to Receive

To activate the law of attraction you must move into the state of receiving. This is something most people cannot do. Many people say that they want certain things but few people know how to receive those things that they are asking for. Most people feel doubtful or unworthy about what they want. Deep within they feel that they do not deserve nor will they get what they are asking for. Those tiny feeling of unworthiness are giant blocks in the manifesting process and can only serve in destroying what you are hoping to attract. The law of attraction is a science that takes you deep into your inner nature and allows you to see where you are feeling disconnected as a co-creator with God and the universe. Become worthy and allow yourself to receive.

6. Become Worthy Now

Become worthy by recognizing that you can manifest anything that you want because you are Gods and Goddesses and what you desire is only a tiny speck in the universe. You deserve to manifest what you want because when you are rich you influence those around you in positive ways. When you use the law of attraction to manifest a better life you are in the flow and in a better state of adding value to the world. The faster you can feel worthy of what you desire to manifest the faster it will come.

One of the biggest blocks in manifesting is the feeling of unworthiness that most people feel. God wants you to have, the universe is great enough and there is more than enough for you and everyone else. You are worthy!.

7. Give What You Desire Most

You may not have all the money in the world for yourself but you do have something of value and that thing which is of value to you may be in scarce supply to someone else. Give to others and you will be stunned and amazed by how fast the law of attraction will manifest abundance in your life.

There is a natural flow in the universe and in order to manifest more you must also be in the flow of giving. Give to others as long as you do not give more of yourself. There are many flawed concepts of giving more than you have, this is very faulty. Give only what you can, never ever deplete yourself. Give what makes you feel happy to give. Give with love on a regular basis but also be aware of conserving your own and the law of attraction will bless you by bringing to you much more than you give. As you give you will get and you will manifest much more than you could ever have imagined and much faster too.